Farce in your face.

Original Comedy, Vaudeville, Production Assistance

Blake Mellencamp (Emperor Titus) is thrilled to be making his playwrighting debut in this year's IndyFringe. He's performed previously with Clerical Error Productions as Father Dermott McDermott in the Father Ned series, and composed and arranged the music for CEP's 2021 Fringe musical. Offstage, Blake is an English teacher, a freelance writer, a local musician, and the second most famous Mellencamp.
Clerical Error's Charlie Sim interviewed Blake about the play and his process.

Our Shows

Recordings of all performances can be accessed on YouTube from the link at the bottom of the page. Please visit us!

"Howlingly funny!" Indianapolis Theater: Reviews
Thank you to everyone who came out to the District and put us in the
TOP 10 for total attendance. We hope you had a wonderful time.

We wrap on 2023

On August 24, 79 CE, the lives of ancient Pompeiians were tragically cut short when Mout Vesuvius unleashed its fury, smothering Pompeii and other cities along its perimiter with volcanic ask. What happened in the days before the tragedy? Therein lies the comedy

Meet the hottest performers at Fringe

Bryan Ball (Publius), Trick Blanchfield (Lesbia), Manny Casillas (Stooge), MaryAnne Mathews (Stooge), Stacy Long (Servius), David Molloy (Maximus), Kate Duffy (Lucretia), Tracy Herring (Stooge), Blake Mellencamp (Emperor Titus Vespanianus Agustus)

Blake Mellencamp (Emperor Titus) is thrilled to be making his playwrighting debut in this year's IndyFringe. He's performed previously with Clerical Error Productions as Father Dermott McDermott in the Father Ned series, and composed and arranged the music for CEP's 2021 Fringe musical. Offstage, Blake is an English teacher, a freelance writer, a local musician, and the second most famous Mellencamp.
Clerical Error's Charlie Sim interviewed Blake about the play and his process.

Tell us about your background in music, acting, writing, and the performing arts.

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been a musician, writing songs and poetry, acting, and playing in bands all throughout high school and college. I think every way of making art is a blast, so I can’t help but do a bit of everything all the time. Most of my recent writing has been on the YouTube space with an educational channel called Oh the Humanities, a project I hope to return to some day. These days I do freelance writing for an anime YouTuber called Ohara, which is nice because I get paid for being extremely nerdy.

What led you to write Pompeii and Circumstance?

The idea came from finding fascination in the most mundane parts of history. I feel like a lot of time people are focused on the major, sweeping historical events, but I fell down a rabbit hole researching how every day people lived. I think human beings have always been human beings. The first scene takes place in a Thermopolium, an ancient Roman equivalent to fast food.  It was wanting to explore those ordinary bits of history that really sparked the whole idea.

Is Pompeii and Circumstance the first play you’ve written?

If we’re counting virtual shows, the first play I wrote was It’s a Quarantine, Father Ned, which Clerical Error Produced for YouTube. Pompeii and Circumstance is the first show I’ve written that will be staged. I do have another script I’d like to produce in future called Bleak House Guest and it’s based on the true story of the meeting of authors Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Dickens.

What was the process you went through to write the show, and what was the hardest part?

The process started with a lot of research. With Pompeii being a historical fiction, I wanted to have a good grounding in historicity. However, at a certain point it wasn’t going to get written if I didn’t sit down and write it. A lot of the jokes came organically. It was surprising how much the characters came alive to say and do things I hadn’t necessarily planned.  The hardest part was reconciling the historical accuracy with entertainment value and humor. There are a lot of things in the play that seems outlandish, but are actually historically accurate.

Why did you choose to work with Clerical Error Productions?

I would have felt kind of traitorous to ship my script around to other companies when I’ve been part of Clerical Error since way back when we were Golden Cleric during our first Father Ned show. I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else.  Clerical Error’s a group of hilarious people with great ideas and acting chops. Whenever we get together the shows seem to get funnier and funnier. I’ve very grateful that David Molloy spotted me at the Square Cat Open Mic and thought my sense of humor would be a good fit for Dermott, a lead in the Father Ned shows. I’m glad Clerical Error game me the opportunity to return to acting. Even when not working in theatre I’ve always brought a measure of theatricality to my music. I’m glad that David recognized that and brought me into the fold.

What does it feel like to see the show performed as part of Fringe?

It’s really amazing to see my play in the festival after so many years of being involved in other levels. Until the past few years, I never even imagined getting back into theatre, let alone writing my own plays, and definitely not actually getting them performed by such a talented cast. It’s pretty surreal to have been welcomed into this brilliant artistic community. I’ve seen so many great plays as part of the Fringe festival over the years and I’m excited to join in the fun.

Why do you think this show is a good fit for Fringe?

I think Pompeii and Circumstance fits the timbre of the Fringe festival because it’s farcical, satirical, and joke dense. However, it’s also throught-provoking. And, in the true spirit of Fringe, it’s just a little bit spicy, too.

What do you hope the audience gets from seeing Pompeii and Circumstance?

While the main aim is to make people laugh, I do hope the play gets people thinking, as well.  With any piece of art I make I try to include some social commentary. I think comedy, and satire in particular, are great vehicles. Ultimately, I hope that the audience leaves being able to reflect on our place in history. I hope they think about the ways people in power wield that power as a tool against the disenfranchised. Of course, if they’re just able to have a good laugh for about an hour, that’s fine too. People need to laugh, because what are we fighting for if not a world with plenty of laughter?

On a remote island off the west coast of Ireland…

The company’s first show introduces the residents of the Perpendicular Island Parochial House: Father Ned Tully, Father Dermott McDermott, Father Finn Flannagan, and housekeeper Mrs. O’Boyle. When the Bishop arrives with news of a visit from the Pope, the crew is turned upside down as they prepare food and music and await Ned’s favorite news presenter. But beware Mrs. O’Boyle’s sandwiches. They’re death to the Bishop, and possibly the Pope. The show was the top seller at the District Theatre Cabaret, and was remounted in January 2019 as The Pope Walks Into a Pub directed by Robert Hay-Smith, and played to sell out crowds at the Harlequin Theatre in Columbus, Indiana.

Written by Kate Duffy, with Jeff Kirkwood, and David Molloy

Original rap music by Nathan Burner

Father Ned Tully – Jeff Kirkwood

Father Dermott McDermott – Blake Mellencamp

Father Finn Flannagan – David Molloy

Mrs. O’Boyle – Kate Duffy

Bishop Brannagan – Jim Lucas

Sharon O’Riordan – Kyrsten Lyster

Father Nate B Good – Nathan Burner



IndyFringe Festival: “The Pope Walks into a Bar, Father Ned!”

Posted on 

While The Pope Walks into a Bar was inspired by the TV show Father Ted, I assure you that you don’t have to have seen the TV series to appreciate this howlingly funny production.

Perpendicular Island is a remote Irish isle that boasts 75 residents. It’s also the location of a Viagra factory, which spews its own special kind of fumy pollution. Take a whiff to get you stiff. The island also houses the Perpendicular Island Parochial House, a sort of exile in the wastelands for wayward priests. Father Ned (Jeff Kirkwood) gambled away funds that were meant for much-needed repairs to a convent — yet he is the most responsible and level-headed member of the household. Father Dermott (Blake Mellencamp) is a sweet man but seriously touched in the head. Father Finn (David Molloy) is downright feral. He communicates mostly in grunts and drinks his whiskey from a Hello Kitty water bottle. His favorite pastime seems to be looking at women in bikinis, whether in magazines or on his ViewMaster, followed by a close second of running around in his knickers … or nothing at all.

When Bishop Brannigan (Jim Lucas) arrives to oversee an impending visit from the pope, things start to get even more interesting.

The housekeeper, Mrs. O’Boyle (Kate Duffy), is described by the bishop as coming from the sixth ring of hell, but as the show progresses, she moves down another ring — and her mind deteriorates along with her into buckets of crazy. While her cooking skills are questionable, she does play a mean bodhran.

Clerical Error Productions gives us a full storyline and characters bursting with personality. Even some backstory slips in to flesh them out. The entire cast is fully invested, with Molloy and Duffy getting the most outrageous.

This is a must-see. Prepare yourself for priest-on-leash, playing “pocket rosary,” ecclesiastical rapping (Nate Burner), a bobbing journalist (Kyrsten Lyster), and lots of fecking fu

IndyFringe: ‘The Pope Walks Into A Bar, Father Ned!’


This show is part of the 14th Annual Indianapolis Theatre Fringe Festival, a/k/a IndyFringe, Aug. 16-26, 2018 on Mass Ave downtown. Info, etc., at www.IndyFringe.org.

By Wendy Carson

Whether you are a hardcore fan of the British television sitcom, “Father Ted,” or have never even heard of it, you will enjoy this show.

The residents of the tiny island of Perpendicular are an odd lot. They consist of 75 humans and 450 sheep; the most popular pastime is rock stacking; and their primary industry is a wonky Viagra factory which leaks fumes — much to the delight of many inhabitants (one whiff will get you stiff). They are blessed with a cadre of three misfit priests, Father Finn Flannagan (who is crass, lustful and perpetually drunk), Father Dermott McDermott (who is woefully naive and daft), and the eternally put-upon Father Ned (who does his best to oversee this circus). Add to this a dotty (and possibly murderous) housekeeper and you have the setting for a delightful farce.

The story centers on the impending visit to the island by His Holiness himself, The Pope. He is visiting the far-flung parishes across the globe and has decided that Perpendicular Island would be a fitting representation of the Irish. The Bishop then shows up to try to get this madhouse in order and not disgrace his position, or the church as a whole. 

There is also the arrival of an ad agency to name Father Flannagan as their spokesperson since he is the primary consumer of their product, Boggy Dew Whiskey, as well as a spunky young reporter from the area news show. Of course, hilarity ensues.

 So, avail yourself of the offerings of The District Theater’s bar, sit back and prepare to laugh yer feckin’ arse off.
 Presented by Clerical Error Productions, performances are on the Cabaret stage of the District Theatre (formerly Theatre on the Square), 627 Mass Ave


"This show almost killed me. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe!" Maripat Allen

In the company’s first gender bender casting, Ned and Dermott find themselves in charge of a foundling. Mrs. O’Boyle is on vacation and Mrs. McShane is snooping and supervising their every move. Will this interruption hurt Ned’s chances at becoming Outlying Very Remote Rural Parish Priest of the Year? Sean Connery to the rescue!

Written by Kate Duffy and Directed by Nicole Brinkman Reeves

Original rap music by Nathan Burner

Father Ned Tully – Kate Duffy

Father Dermott McDermott – Kyrsten Lyster

Father Finn Flannagan – Tracy Herring

Mrs. O’Boyle – Manny Casillas

Mrs. McShane – Anthony Logan

Annie – Case Jacobus

Nate – Nathan Burner

"Anthony Nathan is something to behold as brash, devious Mrs. McShane who tends the home of a rival priest." John Belden

"Kate Duffy's version of the smugly condescending parody of Olenna Tyrell is worth the ticket price alone." Wendy Carson

In this tribute to Game of Thrones, the residents of Perpendicular Island find themselves the victim of a scam when international thief The Dragon and his daughter come hunting for rare Viking coprolites. The Bog Monster lurks in the background as all out war descends on the island and the characters assume identities from their favorite television drama, Game of Crows. But Father Finn has some surprises lurking in the bog – and in his pants.

Written b

Written by Kate Duffy 

Original rap music by Nathan Burner

Father Ned Tully/Lord Ned Stick- David Molloy

Father Dermott McDermott/Greyboy – Blake Mellencamp

Father Finn Flannagan – David Whicker

Mrs. O’Boyle/Lady Oleander Tralala – Kate Duffy

Hugh O’Toole/The Dragon – Jim Lucas 

Bridget Roberson/The Dragon’s Daughter – Kyrsten Lyster

Boggy Nate – Nathan Burner


"There's certainly some lovely lines, and here and there it's pleasantly risque."
Robert Hay-Smith

Irish Catholic comedy has more than a prayer of success at Harlequin


 Brian Blair


What can one say other than Lord have mercy on three eccentric Catholic priests and their unstable housekeeper with their shenanigans in an upcoming comic production at The Harlequin Theatre?
God only knows what will happen — other than holy humor — when the trio of wayward priests, banished to a remote Irish island, live out their days in oddball exile.
Locals can see the developments for themselves when the Indianapolis-based Clerical Error Productions present the original comedy “The Pope Walks into a Pub” at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the venue inside FairOaks Mall, 2380 25th St.
Indianapolis resident Kate Duffy, one of the writers and the actress portraying the priests’ housekeeper, is careful to pontificate that the show steers away from mocking the faith.
Instead, it mostly pokes good-natured fun at Irish heritage, which Duffy herself claims as part of her lineage (“No one makes more fun of themselves than the Irish”). Plus, Duffy, a retired English professor, was raised in a Catholic family. So she offers a media-ready and serious answer when asked why the denomination has been such a rich resource for eons for playwrights and screenwriters.
“Catholicism is theater,” Duffy said. “What is Mass, if not theater? Even if you simply follow the order of the Mass, there is exposition, and there is climax and there is resolution. There’s costuming, music and audience participation.”
The priests — played by actors Jeff Kirkwood, Blake Mellencamp and David Molloy — have been banished for various misdeeds, including gambling away funds earmarked for a convent. One, apparently out of his once-righteous mind, now swigs whiskey from a Hello Kitty bottle. But don’t expect smooth, Irish whiskey to flow from the Harlequin bar for the show. Only wine and beer will be available to lightly lubricate the laughs, including a rapping cleric.

Harlequin founder Robert Hay-Smith, a well-known local actor, playwright and comic, is offering tweaks and suggestions for a script that he already finds loaded with laughs.

“There’s certainly some lovely lines,” Hay-Smith said. “And here and there, it’s pleasantly risque.”
Hay-Smith has added local musicians Carolyn Dutton on violin and Alan Kays on guitar to provide bridges between scenes.
“A lot of the jokes were just part of my upbringing,” she said. “I think he is smiling over my shoulder every time I go on stage.”
Duffy credits her late father, Indianapolis’ James Duffy, an actor, poet, singer and English teacher, for much of the humor.

"I have been a theatre patron for years; this is my firt time as a producer and a priest; one in faith, the other in farce."
Jeff Kirkwood, the original eponymous Father Ned

"One of the best parts of writing for a repertory company is that the actors becomes so familiar with, invested in, and protective of the characters. It's very gratifying as the playwright to be at a read thru and hear, "That is totally something I would say." Clerical Error has built a crazy little family." Kate Duffy, Head Writer

Already excited by rumors of a mysterious bog walker, the  crew on Perpendicular Island are sent head over heels when a pair of robbers visit the parochial house pretending to be producers of the massively popular show, “Game of Crows.”

The zaniness escalates from there as everyone on the island gets into the spirit and the homages emerge faster than the puffin eggs from Father Flannagan (David Whicker)  – he was apparently a prime nesting spot during the “Great Puffin Migration.” Pop culture references from all over fly fast and furiously throughout.

David Molloy steps up to the new role of Father Ned Tully wholeheartedly and plays it very well. Blake Mellencamp’s turn as the dim-witted Father Dermott McDermott brings all the silliness necessary to highlight the character, while Kyrsten Lyster and Jim Lucas do an excellent job of portraying the wily grifters, Bridget Roberson and Hugh O’Toole. As is tradition in their shows, local rap artist Nate Burner as Squashy Nate acts as our narrator through this farcical tale.

Kate Duffy is delightful as the dotty housekeeper Mrs. O’Boyle, who cheerfully serves up the puffin eggs in everything possible. However, it is her version of the smugly condescending parody of Olenna Tyrell that is worth the ticket price alone.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy some laughs as well as a nice up of puffin tea with Clerical Error Productions.

In the company’s first full length – not Fringe length – script, we pick up where Who’s Minding the Snapper left off. Father Ned, recently returned from temporary disciplinary assignment to Antarctica, is at war with his archrival Father Pat Curran. Who will emerge as top priest in the remote Irish parish? But it’s not just Ned’s reputation that’s at stake. Lock up your sheep, and watch your back. Shameful McShane is on the loose and Mrs. O’Boyle is calling in favors from the mob.

Table read hosted by the Indiana Playwrights Circle/Indiana Writers Center.

Written by Kate Duffy; Father Ned Tully – Jon Lindley; Father Dermott McDermott – Kysten Lyster; Father Finn Flannagan – David Molloy; Mrs O’Boyle – MaryAnne Mathews; Bishop Brannagan/Mrs. McShane – Rick Plummer; Sharon O’Riordan/Annie – Shari Grinnell; Stage Directions/Elvis – Ben Lagow

After a year’s COVID-induced hiatus, the company’s first full musical hit Indy Fringe in 2021. Ned, Dermott, and Mrs. O’Boyle unwittingly disrupt the Vatican’s intergalactic mission scheme and find themselves hurtling across space pursued by angry Jesuits. Cheesy sci-fi references abound as Dermott explores his true identity with The Alien and Cosmic Otter, only to learn there’s no place like home. 

Written by Kate Duffy and Directed by Dane Rogers and Sarah Hoback

Original music by Blake Mellencamp, Kate Duffy, and MaryAnne Mathews

Music arranged by Ryan Fitzharris

Choreography by Cindye McDaniel

Father Ned Tully – Jon Lindley

Father Dermott McDermott – Blake Mellencamp

Father Finn Flannagan – David Whicker/Dane Rogers

Mrs. O’Boyle – Kate Duffy

General Jesuit – David Molloy

Captain Jesuit – Manny Casillas

Alien – Kyrsten Lyster

Cosmic Otter – MaryAnne Mathews

"The truth about working with Clerical Error:
This was a great and refreshing experience for me. The artists were very serious about their craft and the director and producer were first rate."
The Magic Comic Jamahl Keyes

Clerical Error Productions, Inc., launched its first vaudeville revue, bringing this iconic American theatrical genre into the 21st Century. A variety of acts showcased some of Indy’s favorite performers to a sell out crowd.  Full pictures and a link to the video on our vaudeville page. Hosted by Kate Duffy and Jon Lindley, produced by David Molloy. Featuring Jason Adams, Matt Anderson, James Solomon Benn, Jamahl Keyes, Lola Lavacious, and Minnie Ryder.

IndyFringe 2022 and our collaboration with Mark Harvey Levine

Growing up requires you to leave home. Clerical Error left Perpendicular Island for Indy Fringe and mounted a series of short plays by internationally produced playwright Mark Harvey Levine. We’re proud that Mark reached out to us and trusted us with his work, and delighted to have brought a new ensemble of talented actors into the Clerical Error family.

Play by Play is a collection of fifteen very short plays that make wry observations about the human condition. Situations range from the mundane to the surreal with a commentator and announcer popping in from time to time to sum up the action and predict the outcome. Bryan Ball, Adam Crowe, Tracy Herring, TJ O’Neil, Talor Ray, and Michelle Wafford performed multiple roles during this fast paced, minimalist production. Jon Lindley directed. Cameo appearances by assistant director Kate Duffy and producer David Molloy.

“These folks are blessed with exquisite comic timing and natural delivery. Their pacing is on the money, and, most importantly, they understand the subtleties of acting that are essential to selling both comedy and drama.”

 Larry Adams, “A Seat on the Aisle”

“Every year, once people learn I’ve seen and am reviewing a whole bunch of Fringe shows, I’m asked what is good to recommend. This one’s at the top of the list, with something for every sense of humor, and not too challenging on the feels.” 

 John Belden, “Plays with John and Wendy”


Click on the link to hear Mark talk about Play by Play and Indy Fringe.
Video by Blake Mellencamp. Jig of Slurs. Dublin Reel - Merry Blacksmith. The Mountain Road by Sláinte is licensed under a Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

Click on the link to hear Jon and the CEP Board of Directors talk about the troupe's origins, Play by Play, and Indy Fringe.
Video by Blake Mellencamp. "Jig of Slurs. Dublin Reel - Merry Blacksmith. The Mountain Road by Sláinte is licensed under a Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License"

Indiana Writers Center
10-Minute Play Festival

Clerical Error Productions joined Catalyst Repertory, Elliot Productions, Monument Theatre, Southbank Theatre, Loving Life Productions, and Theatre Unchained in producing seven ten-minute shorts by Indiana playwrights, October 6-9, 2022 at the IndyFringe Theatre.

 We collaborated with Becky Schlomann,  producing her short play DollyDirected by Kate Duffy, produced by David Molloy, featuring Talor Ray and Stacy Long. 


Gwendolyn arrives at Melissa’s door at 4:57 AM wearing a wedding veil, toting a doll (er, dolly — Salvador Dali, that is), and convinced that Melissa’s pastor husband should perform her wedding. Struggling to connect, the two women reflect on the many forms that love and loneliness take. 

Civic Engagement to
Bring Out the Vote

 Kate Duffy and James Benn moderated a Spirit&Place session on voter identity, November 6, 2022.  The interactive workshop was part of the Spirit and Place Festival and hosted by Indiana Vote By Mail and the League of Women Voters. Clerical Error Productions urges everyone to be an informed and diligent voter.

We brought Beckett to the District Theatre


At the sound of a piercing bell, Winnie, played by Kate Duffy, wakes and exclaims, “Another heavenly day!” Even though she is buried up to her waist in a mound of earth, Winnie – ever the optimist- goes about her day without acknowledging her precarious position. She brushes her teeth, puts on lipstick, reminisces, and references great works of literature that she has read; but she can no longer remember the lines that inspired her. Her source of comfort and inspiration, and all her “happy days” are the items in her seemingly bottomless bag, her thoughts, and the presence of her companion, Willie, played by David Mosedale. Jon Lindley directs.

Says Kate of her character, “There’s an unfortunate myth that Beckett’s work is dense or inaccessible. At at the end of the day, Winnie is just a middle aged woman coming to terms with relationships and the passing of time. What could be more relatable and universal?”

Although Happy Days is one of Beckett’s most whimsical works, it continues his relentless search for the meaning of existence, combing the tenuous relationships that bind one person to another, and each to the universe, to time past and present. Happy Days is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Samuel Beckett (1906-1989), one of the most important writers in twentieth century literature and drama, was born in Foxrock, Ireland, and attended Trinity College Dublin. In 1969 Beckett was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature for having “transformed the destitution of man into his exaltation.” 

Clerical Error Productions was proud to be bringing Happy Days, a classic of modern theatre that has nonetheless received few, if any, productions locally over its life, to Indianapolis audiences.

This fun and illuminating entertainment features James Benn giving voice to the jazz and blues songs from the Harlem Renaissance including works by Bessie Smith, Billie Strayhorn, and Duke Ellington as well as songs popularized by Alberta Hunter, Ethel Waters, and Ma Rainey — all of whom had, to different degrees, same-sex inclinations and involvements, though married during portions of their lives. 

This cabaret show included songs from the Harlem underground including Tain’t Nobody’s Business If I Do, Pretty Baby, Lush Life, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Nasty Man, and Am I Blue? with Carl Hines at the keyboard. 

“A little-over-an-hour musical romp through what was both the gay culture and Black culture of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s with lingering effects into the 1930s, an important part of both gay history and Black history — two histories Gov. De Santis wants to erase from the teaching of American history. It was a delightful romp in song featuring vocals by James Solomon Benn, who has an excellent, expressive voice, and who was accompanied on piano by long-time Indianapolis musician Carl Hines, now 82 and still going. A delightful evening!”

George Fish

Thanks to our sponsors: Arthur’s Music; Tom and Judie Doehrman; Jean Ellenberger; Happiness is Courage; Mass Ave. Pub; Mowery Heating, AC, Plumbing;  Nine Lives Cat Cafe; Denise Owens, Yohe Realty; Startup Ladies; Dr. Terry Whitt Bailey; Union of Black Episcopalians, Indianapolis. Video by Rob Slaven, Indy Ghost Light

Parodies recorded on Zoom

Unable to assemble on stage in 2020 due to the pandemic, the company took advantage of Zoom to create a virtual Father Ned, and two parodies of well loved shows in 15 minute shorts.

It’s a Quarantine, Father Ned! finds the residents of the Perpendicular Island parochial house isolated from one another while trying to carry on the parish business via Zoom. Dermott believes becoming Mr. Clean will create a healthier environment, while Ned is faced with an ethical dilemma: refuse to hold mass in person and face the Bishop’s ire, or hold mass in person and be castigated by the press. And how is Mrs. O’Boyle capable of serving tea through the screen?

Written by Blake Mellencamp

Music and video editing by Blake Mellencamp

Father Ned Tully – David Molloy

Father Dermott McDermott – Blake Mellencamp

Father Finn Flannagan – David Whicker

Mrs. O’Boyle – Kate Duffy

Bishop Brannagan – Jim Lucas

Sharon O’Riordan – Kyrsten Lyster

Your favorite vamps are back in What We Do in the Pandemic. Assembled for a virtual house meeting, the undead must come to terms with human blood tainted by COVID. Is there a role for them screening samples for the CDC? Meanwhile, the energy vampire is lapping up all the bad vibes created by his housemates’ consternation and public  quarantines and mask mandates.

Written by Kate Duffy

Music by Blake Mellencamp

Pandora the Persistent – Kate Duffy

Alphonso Ravensville – David Molloy

Lydia Ravensville – Kyrsten Lyster

Evan Livingstone – Blake Mellencamp

Jorge – Manny Casillas

It’s a Schlitz Crick Covid Christmas! The Bloze family are all in quarantine.  Donnie is trapped in the bathroom, Roman won’t come to the rescue without money – and more money, and Nora is hiding information that could be the key to salvaging the holiday and spicing up her marriage. But first, they have to fit a fully decorated Christmas tree through the bathroom window. Eeeewww, COVID!

Written by Kate Duffy

Donnie Bloze – David Molloy

Nora Bloze – Kate Duffy

Charlie – Kyrsten Lyster

Roman Schlitz – Jon Lindley

Daniel Bloze – Kaya Kyle Dorsch

Peter Baker – Manny Casillas

Alexa – Shari Grinnell